Saturday, June 13, 2009


So last Thursday my grandfather died. He had a fatal case of pneumonia and was on a ventilator. Coming off the ventilator was his idea and he knew I loved him as he was dying. Know that it's hard to grieve thousands of miles away and I pray that none of you find yourself in the position to grieve away from those you love. But my group is supporting me immensely and it has been great to be able to talk to my family over the phone at least. But I'm really doing fine and as for me, it couldn't have come at a better time. I was told just hours after finishing my final test for training, a 25 minute conversation with a Russian instructor I had never met to determine my "official" language ability. I was at a beautiful lake with a beach when Mom called. It really was about as perfect as it could be, and I have a couple days' break to work through it. The funeral is today.

So I'm done with training and am spending my last few days at my training site. I will go to Kiev Monday for the Swearing In Conference. On Monday I will find out where I will serve for the next two years. Also at the conference I will meet my counterpart and do some final training activities. It's a time of celebration, anxiety, excitement, and nervousness. I will update as soon as I can about where I will be going.



  1. God's peace with you, Ben, and with your family. So sorry for your loss. You are in our prayers.

  2. Ben, if you need anything other than prayer and virtual shoulder please let me know. Everything happens for a reason my good good friend.


  3. I'm so sorry for your loss but I'm so thankful that God put in the right place and the right frame of mind to receive the news. I'll definitely be praying for you. I'm interested to hear about your next placement stuff. Also, can you define "counterpart" for us? Does that mean that you will actually have someone else working with you where you are placed? And I assume you got through the language test? Man, you are so cool now being all bilingual and stuff. You are an international man of mystery and I like it! I'm leaving tomorrow for TFA and I'm very anxious, but knowing that you and Hannah have signed up for much crazier things than I did makes me feel a little better! Love you bro, always thinking of you. Take care.

  4. Ben, you and your family are in my prayers and thoughts - and please, please, please continue to stay strong, my man. Lots of love and hugs from Atlanta :)

  5. Hey friend!!
    My mom called to tell me that your granddad had died, not realizing that you were in the Ukraine and therefore unable to be in Ringgold for the funeral. She felt for you, being stuck there and not able to come home. So did I, of course, and I realized what a terrible friend I have been, not commenting on or even keeping up with your blogs!! Granted, I have been SOOOO busy and I don't have internet at home, but that is really no excuse.
    I miss you incredibly and how I wish you were here to smoke cigars on our AMAZING new patio!!! Austin is in love with our apartment now. I think we might convince him to turn back to the light and get married and live with his cute little wife and two kids and doggie in an apartment next to us. Lol. At least, I'm TRYING to make that happen.
    Anyway, I've read your blogs and am caught up now and I am soooo excited for you! Your life seems so interesting and adventurous and different and I'm envious. I wish I could learn Russian.
    I have written a few new blogs. You should check them out if ever you get the chance.
    I love you, Cuzzin Benny.
    Miss ya tons! =)

  6. Ben,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. That's really tough to not be there, but at the same time I think all of our parents and grandparents want us to be out doing what we feel called to do. You're in the right place right now.

    I wrote you a letter, but I don't know where to send it. Let me know as soon as you move to your new place.

    Miss you a lot!

